
People know bullgriffs as the most famous of all Pundlian chimeras. Similar to griffins (eagle/lion) or hippogriffs (eagle/horse), bullgriffs combine the jowely stoutness of a Pundlian bulldog with the majesty of some sort of eagle. Like many other pedigrees, they commonly encounter health issues. In their case it's a proclivity for ceaseless, eye-melting flatulence.

Bullgriff - a chimera of a bulldog and an eagle
Winston the bullgriff by Zuza Gruzlewska

Other than the harrowing gases, bullgriffs make great pets if you have the space for them. The dogs can fly, which would be fine if they limited themselves to only doing so when they had space to take off. Alas, they seem to lack such awareness, and will spread their wings regardless of surroundings - trashing rooms and smashing heirlooms.

Their proclivity for taking flight whenever they feel like it can cause problems outdoors, too. More than one owner has had their pet on a lead only for the pooch to take off. Thanks to their powerful wings and chunky necks, a bullgriff can fly with its owner hanging below. This predictably proves terrifying for anyone if happens to.

On the plus side, you can justify not cleaning up when your dog craps from 100ft high and you're dangling from its lead and crying.

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Bullgriff Facts

  • Owing to their flatulent nature, a group of bullgriffs are collectively known as a 'stench'.
  • On the land bullgriffs go: "WOOF!" In the air they do their best impression of an eagle (spoiler warning: it's not a very good impression)
  • The Pundlians have an ancient law that means a person of "lowly earnings" must lay down in a puddle whenever a bullgriff has to cross one. Pundlians have a real thing for forcing the less fortunate to humiliate themselves in the name of vapid symbols of patriotism.

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Creation Notes

I don't know if I had a good reason to add these guys - it probably just seemed like it would be funny for Boronymous and his cronies to find themselves subjected to something that wouldn't stop farting. Saying that, I suppose a superficially patriotic stink-machine does work as a symbol for the sort of noxious nationalism I aimed to satirise?

So yeah - let's say I did plan it, I guess?

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